Supporting Commentary
“By expanding the realm of administrative power within presidential control, [Chevron] deference enables extreme policies and even invites destabilizing political conflict. A precedent that is not merely in error, but so profoundly unjust and dangerous, must be cast aside.”
New Civil Liberties Alliance, Page 5
“Today’s morass of regulations, aggravated and encouraged by the expansion of Chevron, imposes astronomical costs in compliance, lost productivity, and higher prices, reaching as high as $1.9 trillion per year.”
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Page 16
“Chevron has led to agency self-aggrandizement, legislative indifference, and judicial passivity.”
Buckeye Institute, Page 23
“Chevron deference has been overused, and the separation of powers is at risk of snapping.”
Advance Colorado Institute, Page 7