Fishermen Land Major Supreme Court Victory Overruling Chevron Doctrine

Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo restores a vital judicial check on executive overreach and will protect individual liberties. WASHINGTON, DC, June 28, 2024 — Today, attorneys for a group of New Jersey herring fishermen landed a significant victory at the Supreme Court. With its ruling in Loper Bright v. Raimondo, the […]
If Congress Just Did Its Job, the Chevron Doctrine Wouldn’t Exist

The Fishy Case That May Rein In Out of Control Federal Agencies

The Supreme Court Case That Shows How Broken Congress Is

Overturning Chevron Can Help Rebalance the Constitutional Order

Fishing companies sound off, sue Commerce Dept. over government oversight costs

Supreme Court to hear arguments in a case that could weaken federal rule making

Bureaucrats threatened to sink my fishing business. Supreme Court can keep others afloat.

Congress and Chevron Deference

A Fight Over a Fishing Regulation Could Help Tear Down the Administrative State