Amicus Briefs in Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Gina Raimondo

Amici filed 14 briefs representing 38 organizations and states in support of the fishermen’s petition for review to the Supreme Court.  Here’s a rundown of the briefs with selected quotes from each.  West Virginia and 17 Other States   The confused status quo has real costs for the people who live and work within our borders. […]

Family Fishermen Move to Block Industry-Killing At-Sea Monitoring Rule

Herring Fishermen are Fighting Burdensome Regulation, COVID-19, and New, Unlawful Monitoring Requirements to Stay Afloat Arlington, VA (June 8, 2020) – Cause of Action Institute (CoA Institute) today filed a motion for summary judgement on behalf of a group of New Jersey fishermen, asking a D.C. Federal Court to vacate job-killing fisheries regulations called the […]